Monday 05/12/05

Nice sunny day with a lot of lenticularis clouds in the sky. Temperature a very acceptable 9C. Go into town just after 10 to put a film in for processing which will be ready at 2pm. Having thought about the problems with the NHS, I'm not so much concerned about the alleged bullying as about the proposed service cuts. Mr Manson's presentation, supplemented by Mr Sim, states that the same jobs will have to be done by fewer people. Those that lack the necessary skills will be trained for them. An example is operating theatres at night. Untrained staff are to open them out of hours, and then prepare for any op. Operations are apparently to be carried out with a surgeon, an anaesthesist and no qualified nursing staff present. If morale is low, communication between staff and management broken down and a general atmosphere of mistrust present, you're looking at a recipe for disaster. Went into town at 3pm to collect pictures, results acceptable. The BBC weblog attracts some attention, even get a comment from a lady in British Columbia, Canada. This in response to my summary of problems in the local NHS.

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